lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Movie part 2

President Mandela, also known as Madiba went through several problems and one of these problems was about Springbrok team. President Mandela went through economic, political and control problems. Another relevant issue was democracy and the way was divided white and black people.
The Springbroks team had lost several games in rugby. Madiba sees in the newspaper team captain and invites him to meet and talk to you. Madiba's strategy is that the equipment is made known in a championship that took place every four years and so to have the opportunity to unite South Africa.
Francois Madiba wants to use as inspiration for a chance to be in the championship game of rugby. Protests were present for the anthem and colors, makes vows and lost madiba not support his idea. Madiba also had family problems and they all remembered him daily and people.
A group gave gifts to poor people and a guy not resive his gift because the colors represented the apartheid shirt.

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